HiTech magazine - Siemens

Generate electricity from plastic

By means of a unique porocess recycled slovak company plastics through one chemical-thermal process. Process gases can even do this Energy production can be used.

In addition to the mechanical Plastic can also be recycled using chemical processes be disposed of; this happens through a change in chemical Structure of plastic waste and leads to Formation of hydrocarbon fractions and new raw materials.

The restoration of plastics using chemical-thermal processes is for Focus of the Slovak entrepreneur Vladimír Daniška became. Together He has been researching and developing with his partners at Eurex Energy for years Waste treatment area.

Experts in process engineering and mechanical engineering have in common with industrial automation specialist : inside Siemens for months in research, development and Fine-tuning a technology for that chemical recycling of plastic waste using a thermal process; a technology that so environmentally friendly, automated and should be as efficient as possible

The melted plastics are at

430 °C

evaporated into process gas in a reactor

The result of these efforts is a compact conveyor line based on a unique, three-phase model builds. First, the incoming waste is treated accordingly, water and other waste materials are separated. The input can be any Type of plastic based on PE and PP act, in any proportions, even with slight impurities. The plastics can do both Be municipal or industrial waste as well as from landfills and others Sources come from.

The incoming ones As a result, plastics form a Melting mass, which takes place at 430 °C the second phase in the reactor Process gas evaporates. During the subsequent condensation, two are formed liquid and a gaseous fraction separated. The resulting product can be kant smaller than competitor solutions. A minimal space requirement primarily means that the Eurex line is accessible to a wider range of customers. The second advantage lies in the possibility of not only removing the residues from the undecomposed, heavy ones hydrocarbons and solid waste to separate the waste contained in the incoming waste (stone, sand, glass or sound).

The process also removes most water-soluble waste and those that either decay or change their physical state. “The output that goes into the reactor is not a treated mixed plastic. So it's not about a recyclate, as in conventional recycling, but rather a melt. Generally speaking, this is thermal treated by-product, from which Water and most problematic substances have already been separated.

This therefore do not enter into the process and therefore do not lead to one Contamination of the end products,” said Eurex Energy CEO Daniška. The third major advantage of the unique Eurex energy system is its Energy efficiency. Thermal treatment of common inputs, such as ground or shredded plastics, is falling usually energy intensive because it are weak heat conductors. “In our solution, the first heating of the polymer occurs to more than 200 °C in the extruder and not in the reactor. The is more energy-efficient because the energy is supplied primarily through friction and not through external heat,” continues Daniška. 

The usage of Gas-fired infrared heaters for heating the reactor also contribute Energy efficiency, saves gas and minimizes the emission of air pollutants. classify as secondary fuel, that can replace fossil fuels, for example for electrical generators. After adding adsorbents and additional cleaning and filtration, the outgoing products also for the Production of plastics can be used. And some of the non-condensable gases are used as a gaseous secondary fuel Process heat of the recycling reactor line.

Compact size energy system The Eurex energy system has numerous differences and advantages compared to comparable solutions. Firstly, the compact size: the entire Technology only takes up an area of 150 square meters and has a Height of 6 meters. This makes it significant

The fourth difference and advantage Eurex Energy's technical solution is based on the continuous operation of the line. The unprocessed solid residues are during taken from the process, i.e. it there is no interruption or Delay, as is the case in other common pyrolysis systems. There Not only are there higher energy requirements and therefore operating costs, but also extensive contamination of the end products reuse or further use is difficult.

Strong partnership Eurex Energy's partners, Chemosvit Group and Siemens, played a key role in exploration and development of technology for continuous chemical recycling of plastic waste using thermal processes. In particular is here To name Chemosvit. The company specializes in the production of packaging and other plastic products, produces a large amount of waste and uses a lot of energy. The company was therefore the ideal partner for him Deployment of the first pilot line. At the same time belongs to the engineering company Chemosvit Strojchem to the group. It will be used worldwide for production in the future of chemical recycling lines for other customers.

The second key partner for Eurex Energy is Siemens. The company provides the controls for the line and thus ensuring their autonomy. "At the implementation of automation and digitalization solutions for them type of technology, modern controls are essential. These are for them ongoing control of chemical processes is required. We are pleased that the

The entire recycling line is not only controlled by Siemens products,
Other company components are also used.

“Chemical recycling throughout Europe to contribute that less plastics be burned or end up in landfills.”

Vladimir Daniška, CEO Eurex Energy

Choice of Siemens SIMATIC PCS 7 as central process control system of the line fell,” says Marián Filka from Siemens Digital Industries in Slovakia. “A high degree of automation pays off not just in terms of cost savings for future customers, but also leads also to maintain a constant same quality of output. All process parameters, such as pressure, temperature or level, are kept constant maintain an optimal level, and through the efficient use of Data that can be used to standardize and optimize work processes,” Filka continued.

The recycling line is completely ready for use and constantly in operation from Eurex Energy at the Chemosvit site now serves as a solution Showcase for potential customers. At the same time, it helps the company in the recycling of waste material. Chemosvit thus saves on both waste treatment as well as with the Energy costs significantly because of the output as fuel for electricity generation can be used. Thanks to these savings, a return on investment is expected in ten years. In addition, interesting business opportunities are opening up for the company Chemosvit Strojchem, which operates as...

Partner in the production of the EurexEnergy lines. "We can Dozens of these permanently operated plastic recycling lines every year for Eurex Energy customers around the world produce,” says Martin Ľach, member the management of Chemosvit Group. This offer is not only aimed at industrial companies, but is also for small and large cities and communities relevant. The Slovak cities of Svit and Spišská Nová Ves are planning to use it on a trial basis Recycling line from Chemosvit for the Recycling plastic waste.

“Transporting waste 250 kilometers or further away for waste treatment is not only unecological, but also unprofitable. Thanks to our Line, communities and cities can reduce their carbon footprint and also generate their own energy can then be used for public lighting or other purposes,” explains Daniška. Eurex’s technology makes a major contribution to sustainability and also plays a role role in dealing with plastic waste. “

Chemical recycling in all of Europe will contribute to this fewer plastics are burned or end up in landfills.” Daniška a look into the future

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Eurex Energy, s.r.o. capitalized on its own development using foreign knowledge and experience in the production of new technology in the use of renewable and alternative energy sources, the EUREX ECO 01 equipment for the recovery of mixed waste plastics in the form of chemical recycling.ed.

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