Main Advantages

  • Main Advantages Of Eurex Eco 1 Unit.

    Main Advantages Of Eurex Eco 1 Unit

    • Use of the process of thermal degradation of polymers, during which decomposition occurs without access to oxygen which means that it is not a combustion technology
    • Very low consumption of external energy - the produced technological gas is also used to heat the main reactor itself
    • Compactness – the unit can be installed in a small space and at the same time it can be dismantled and moved to any place
    • Continuous production process – high capacity and energy output, high efficiency of the equipment
    • Quality output product – easy placement on the market
    • High level of automation – low requirements for manual operation

    Main Advantages Of Eurex Eco 1 Unit

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Eurex Energy, s.r.o. capitalized on its own development using foreign knowledge and experience in the production of new technology in the use of renewable and alternative energy sources, the EUREX ECO 01 equipment for the recovery of mixed waste plastics in the form of chemical recycling.ed.

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