• about 8 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year

    plastics in the oceans

  • it is estimated that only 14% of global plastic packaging material is collected for recycling

    86% of waste ends up in nature

  • the value of lost resources in global plastic waste is more than $ 80 billion a year


  • plastics on land

Revolutionary chemical recycling technology

  • Eurex Eco 1 represents a revolution in the chemical recycling of plastics and provides a sustainable and cost- effective approach to the management of plastic waste.
    Explore EUREX ECO 1


    Eurex Eco 1 represents a revolution in the chemical recycling of plastics and provides a sustainable and cost-effective approach to the management of plastic waste.

    This innovative technology uses advanced thermochemical processes to transform plastic waste into valuable and reusable resources, helping to create a greener and more
    sustainable future.

  • Do you want to know the potential of your waste through chemical recycling?
    TESTING Eurex Eco 1

    Eurex Eco 1

    EUREX ENERGY, as one of the first companies in the world, offers you the possibility of testing your hard-to-recycle plastic waste through a chemical recycling process.

    Within 24 hours Your company will know whether your plastic waste, which until now ended up in incinerators, is recyclable, non-recyclable, or conditionally recyclable

  • Eurex Eco 1 represents a revolution in the chemical recycling of plastics and provides a sustainable and cost- effective approach to the management of plastic waste.
    Experience EUREX ECO 1

    Experience EUREX ECO 1

    Come and see the amazing possibilities of plastic recycling and get to know EUREX ECO 1 system. After 10 years of development and successful functional tests, we are ready to show the world what chemical plastic recycling can do.

    We invite you to join us on this journey of innovation and learn more about the power of chemical plastic recycling at the EUREX ECO 1 showroom in Svit.

  • Our partnership with Chemosvit and Siemens
    Our partnership EUREX ECO 1

    Our partnership
    with Chemosvit and Siemens

    We believe in using advanced technology to ensure the highest level of quality and reliability of our EUREX ECO 1 equipment.

    Our partnership with Chemosvit and Siemens ensures that our technology provides the best quality and most reliable performance in chemical recycling.


There are already more than 5 billion tonnes of plastic waste worldwide - and another 200 million tonnes are produced each year!

Plastic waste is renewable energy

EUREX has developed an innovative environmentally friendly pyrolysis system for the use of plastic waste, which generates minimal emissions, produces no toxic waste and the end result is a recycled chemical suitable for the petrochemical industry for the production of new plastics

Chemical recycling mixed plastic waste

Professional Partners in the European Area
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Eurex Energy, s.r.o. capitalized on its own development using foreign knowledge and experience in the production of new technology in the use of renewable and alternative energy sources, the EUREX ECO 01 equipment for the recovery of mixed waste plastics in the form of chemical recycling.ed.

© EUREX ENERGY. All rights reserved.