Climate impact of pyrolysis of plastic packaging waste compared to reuse and mechanical recycling - comments

Climate impact of pyrolysis of plastic packaging waste compared to reuse and mechanical recycling - comments In point 5.1. in the third bullet, the author states:  The output must be at least one type of polyolefin (not naphtha or olefins as insome studies reviewed);Then why is the output of mechanical recycling regranulate and not a europallet, a sewercover, or a park bench?At the same point, the author provides Table 2 Overview of suitable LCA studies: source Funded/Commissioned Geographical scope Entrance Output Results in kg CO 2 eq./kg recycled production Sphere...

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Waste analysis in Nitra - Slovakia (middle large town)

Waste analysis in Nitra In 2022, each resident of the city of Nitra produced an average of 649 kg of municipal food of waste and the level of municipal waste sorting for this year was less than 48%. Aye despite the fact that the amount of sorted waste regularly increases from year to year to 1 of the city's inhabitants (44 kg in 2010 and 288 kg in 2021), in total production of municipal waste among the regional cities of the Slovak Republic per 1 inhabitant is still more than 600 kg an unflattering record. In addition, the city of Nitra receives a significant part of the generated municipal...

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Chemical recycling company in Europe

Chemical recycling in Europe Chemical recycling company from Slovakia providing chemical recycling technology Chemical recycling company in Europe with recycling technology as a process that breaks down plastic waste into its original chemical components using high temperatures in the absence of oxygen. The resulting products are then re-used to create new plastic products, which can generate significant environmental benefits by reducing waste and greenhouse gas emissions. This technology has promising potential to make recycling more efficient and sustainable and offers an alternative...

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Carbon footprint

Carbon footprint Carbon footprint The carbon footprint of chemical recycling is significantly lower compared to any other processing, recycling of waste plastics and also material or energy recovery of plastics. Report of the European Environment Agency (EEA), of which the SAŽP is also a member of the consortium in March 2019, where on page 32, point 4.3 Environmental impacts reads: “Emissions can be reduced in plastics production by improving energy efficiency and using renewable energy sources emissions of oil are 3.7 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of plastics produced). By comparison, with low...

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Environmental impact

Environmental impact Environmental impact Comparison of the production of pollutants (SO2 – sulfur dioxide, TZL – solid pollutants (dust particles), NOx – nitrogen oxides and CO – carbon monoxide) and greenhouse gas emissions of CO2 produced by flue gases when heating a family house with an area of 120 m² according to the type of fuel used ( wood, hard coal, brown coal, natural gas) and EUREX EKO 01 equipment. The EUREX EKO 01 facility, which is a much lower air pollutant than the above-mentioned family houses, is considered in Slovac republic  as  a facility that recovers waste by thermal...

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Eurex Energy, s.r.o. capitalized on its own development using foreign knowledge and experience in the production of new technology in the use of renewable and alternative energy sources, the EUREX ECO 01 equipment for the recovery of mixed waste plastics in the form of chemical recycling.ed.

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